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This document provides detailed reference information about Candid-supported types and links to the Candid specification and documentation for the Candid Rust crate.

If you are looking for more information before you start working with Candid, check out the following related resources:

Supported types

This section lists all the types supported by Candid. For each type, the reference includes the following information:

  •   Type syntax and the syntax for the textual representation of the type.

  •   Upgrade rules for each type are given in terms of the possible subtypes and supertypes of a type.

  •   Corresponding types in Rust, Motoko, and Javascript.

Subtypes are the types you can change your method results to. Supertypes are the types that you can change your method arguments to.

You should note that this reference only lists the specific subtypes and supertypes that are relevant for each type. It does not repeat common information about subtypes and supertypes that can apply to any type. For example, the reference does not list empty as a subtype because it can be a subtype of any other type. Similarly, the types reserved and opt t are not listed as supertypes of specific types because they are supertypes of any type. For details about the subtyping rules for the empty, reserved, and opt t types, see the following sections:

Type text

The text type is used for human-readable text. More precisely, its values are sequences of Unicode code points (excluding surrogate parts).

Type syntax


Textual syntax

"Escaped characters: \n \r \t \\ \" \'"
"Unicode escapes: \u{2603} is ☃ and \u{221E} is ∞"
"Raw bytes (must be utf8): \E2\98\83 is also ☃"

Corresponding Motoko type


Corresponding Rust type

String or &str

Corresponding JavaScript values


Type blob

The blob type can be used for binary data, that is, sequences of bytes. Interfaces written using the blob type are interchangeable with interfaces that are written using vec nat8.

Type syntax


Textual syntax

blob <text>

where <text> represents a text literal with all characters representing their UTF-8 encoding and arbitrary byte sequences ("\CA\FF\FE").

For more information about text types, see text.


vec nat8, and all subtypes of vec nat8.


vec nat8, and all supertypes of vec nat8.

Corresponding Motoko type


Corresponding Rust type

Vec<u8> or &[u8]

Corresponding JavaScript values

[ 1, 2, 3, 4, ... ]

Type nat

The nat type contains all natural (non-negative) numbers. It is unbounded and can represent arbitrarily large numbers. The on-wire encoding is LEB128, so small numbers are still efficiently represented.

Type syntax


Textual syntax




Corresponding Motoko type


Corresponding Rust type

candid::Nat or u128

Corresponding JavaScript values

+BigInt(10000) or 10000n

Type int

The int type contains all whole numbers. It is unbounded and can represent arbitrary small or large numbers. The on-wire encoding is SLEB128, so small numbers are still efficiently represented.

Type syntax


Textual syntax




Corresponding Motoko type


Corresponding Rust type

candid::Int or i128

Corresponding JavaScript values

+BigInt(-10000) or -10000n

Type natN and intN

The types nat8, nat16, nat32, nat64, int8, int16, int32, and int64 represent numbers with a representation of that many bits and can be used in more “low-level” interfaces.

The range of natN is {0 …​ 2^N-1}, and the range of intN is -2^(N-1) …​ 2^(N-1)-1.

The on-wire representation is exactly that many bits long. So for small values, nat is more space-efficient than nat64.

Type syntax

nat8, nat16, nat32, nat64, int8, int16, int32, or int64

Textual syntax

Same as nat for nat8, nat16, nat32, and nat64.

Same as int for int8, int16, int32, and int64.

We can use type annotation to distinguish different integer types.

100 : nat8
-100 : int8
(42 : nat64)

Canister init arguments passed to dfx must be explicit with data types, such as:

field = 5 : nat64

Corresponding Motoko type

natN translates by default to NatN, but can also correspond to WordN when required.

intN translates to IntN.

Corresponding Rust type

Signed and unsigned integers of corresponding size.

8-bit  i8    u8      
16-biti16    u16      
32-biti32    u32      
64-biti64    u64      

Corresponding JavaScript values

8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit translate to the number type.

int64 and nat64 translate to the BigInt primitive in JavaScript.

Type float32 and float64

The types float32 and float64 represent IEEE 754 floating point numbers in single precision (32 bit) and double precision (64 bit).

Type syntax

float32, float64

Textual syntax

The same syntax as int, plus floating point literals as follows:


Corresponding Motoko type

float64 corresponds to Float.

float32 does not currently have a representation in Motoko. Candid interfaces using float32 cannot be served from or used from Motoko programs.

Corresponding Rust type

f32, f64

Corresponding JavaScript values

float number

Type bool

The bool type is a logical data type that can have only the values true or false.

Type syntax


Textual syntax

true, false

Corresponding Motoko type


Corresponding Rust type


Corresponding JavaScript values

true, false

Type null

The null type is the type of the value null, thus a subtype of all the opt t types. It is also the idiomatic choice when using variants to model enumerations.

Type syntax


Textual syntax



All opt t types.

Corresponding Motoko type


Corresponding Rust type


Corresponding JavaScript values


Type vec t

The vec type represents vectors (sequences, lists, arrays). A value of type vec t contains a sequence of zero or more values of type t.

Type syntax

vec bool, vec nat8, vec vec text, and so on.

Textual syntax

vec {}
vec { ""; "" };


  •   Whenever t is a subtype of t', then vec t is a subtype of vec t'.

  •   blob is a subtype of vec nat8.


  •   Whenever t is a supertype of t', then vec t is a supertype of vec t'.

  •   blob is a supertype of vec nat8.

Corresponding Motoko type

[T], where the Motoko type T corresponds to t.

Corresponding Rust type

Vec<T> or &[T], where the Rust type T corresponds to t.

vec t can translate to BTreeSet or HashSet.

vec record { KeyType; ValueType } can translate to BTreeMap or HashMap.

Corresponding JavaScript values

Array, e.g. [ "text", "text2", …​ ]

Type opt t

The opt t type contains all the values of type t, plus the special null value. It is used to express that some value is optional, meaning that data might be present as some value of type t or might be absent as the value null.

The opt type can be nested (for example, opt opt text), and the values null and opt null are distinct values.

The opt type plays a crucial role in the evolution of Candid interfaces and has special subtyping rules as described below.

Type syntax

opt bool, opt nat8, opt opt text, and so on.

Textual syntax

opt true
opt 8
opt null
opt opt "test"


The canonical rules for subtyping with opt are:

  •   Whenever t is a subtype of t', then opt t is a subtype of opt t'.

  •   null is a subtype of opt t'.

  •   t is a subtype of opt t (unless t itself is null, opt … or reserved).

In addition, for technical reasons related to upgrading and higher-order services, every type is a subtype of opt t, yielding null if the types do not match. Users are advised, however, to not directly make use of that rule.


  •   Whenever t is a supertype of t', then opt t is a supertype of opt t'.

Corresponding Motoko type

?T, where the Motoko type T corresponds to t.

Corresponding Rust type

Option<T>, where the Rust type T corresponds to t.

Corresponding JavaScript values

null translates to [].

opt 8 translates to [8].

opt opt "test" translates to [["test"]].

Type record { n : t, … }

A record type is a collection of labeled values. For example, the following code gives the name address to the type of records that have the textual fields street, city, and country and a numerical field of zip_code.

type address = record {
  street : text;
  city : text;
  zip_code : nat;
  country : text;

The order of fields in the record type declaration does not matter. Each field can have a different type (unlike vectors). The label of a record field can also be a 32-bit natural number, as in this example:

type address2 = record {
  288167939 : text;
  1103114667 : text;
  220614283 : nat;
  492419670 : text;

In fact, textual labels are treated as their field hash, and incidentally, address and address2 are, to Candid, the same types.

If you omit the label, Candid automatically assigns sequentially increasing labels. This behavior leads to the following shortened syntax, which is typically used to represent pairs and tuples. The type record { text; text; opt bool } is equivalent to record { 0 : text; 1: text; 2: opt bool }

Type syntax

record {}
record { first_name : text; second_name : text }
record { "name with spaces" : nat; "unicode, too: ☃" : bool }
record { text; text; opt bool }

Textual syntax

record {}
record { first_name = "John"; second_name = "Doe" }
record { "name with spaces" = 42; "unicode, too: ☃" = true }
record { "a"; "tuple"; null }


Subtypes of a record are record types that have additional fields (of any type), where some field’s types are changed to subtypes, or where optional fields are removed. It is, however, bad practice to remove optional fields in method results. You can change a field’s type to opt empty to indicate that this field is no longer used.

For example, if you have a function returning a record of the following type:

record {
  first_name : text; middle_name : opt text; second_name : text; score : int

you can evolve that to a function returning a record of the following type:

record {
  first_name : text; middle_name : opt empty; second_name : text; score : nat; country : text

where we have deprecated the middle_name field, changed the type of score, and added the country field.


Supertypes of a record are record types with some fields removed, some fields’ types changed to supertypes, or with optional fields added.

The latter is what allows you to extend your argument records with additional fields. Clients using the old interface will not include the field in their record, which will decode, when expected in the upgraded service, as null.

For example, if you have a function expecting a record of type:

record { first_name : text; second_name : text; score : nat }

you can evolve that to a function expecting a record of type:

record { first_name : text; score: int; country : opt text }

Corresponding Motoko type

If the record type looks like it could refer to a tuple (that is, consecutive labels starting at 0), a Motoko tuple type (for example, (T1, T2, T3)) is used. Else, a Motoko record ({ first_name :Text, second_name : Text }) is used.

If the field name is a reserved name in Motoko, an underscore is appended. So record { if : bool } corresponds to { if_ : Bool }.

If (even then) the field name is not a valid Motoko identifier, the field hash is used instead: record { ☃ : bool } corresponds to { 11272781 : Boolean }.

Corresponding Rust type

User defined struct with #[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)] trait.

You can use the #[serde(rename = "DifferentFieldName")] attribute to rename field names.

If the record type is a tuple, it can be translated to a tuple type such as (T1, T2, T3).

Corresponding JavaScript values

If the record type is a tuple, the value is translated to an array, for example, ["Candid", 42].

Else it translates to a record object. For example, { "first name": "Candid", age: 42 }.

If the field name is a hash, we use _hash_ as the field name, for example, { _1_: 42, "1": "test" }.

Type variant { n : t, … }

A variant type represents a value that is from exactly one of the given cases, or tags. So a value of the type:

type shape = variant {
  dot : null;
  circle : float64;
  rectangle : record { width : float64; height : float64 };
  "💬" : text;

is either a dot, or a circle (with a radius), or a rectangle (with dimensions), or a speech bubble (with some text). The speech bubble illustrates the use of a Unicode label name (💬).

The tags in variants are, just like the labels in records, actually numbers, and string tags refer to their hash value.

Often, some or all of the tags do not carry data. It is idiomatic to then use the null type, as in the dot above. In fact, Candid encourages this by allowing you to omit the : null type annotation in variants, so:

type season = variant { spring; summer; fall; winter }

is equivalent to:

type season = variant {
  spring : null; summer: null; fall: null; winter : null

and used to represent enumerations.

The type variant {} is legal but has no values. If that is the intention, the empty type may be more appropriate.

Type syntax

variant {}
variant { ok : nat; error : text }
variant { "name with spaces" : nat; "unicode, too: ☃" : bool }
variant { spring; summer; fall; winter }

Textual syntax

variant { ok = 42 }
variant { "unicode, too: ☃" = true }
variant { fall }


Subtypes of a variant type are variant types with some tags removed and the type of some tags themselves changed to a subtype.

If you want to be able to add new tags in variants in a method result, you can do so if the variant is itself wrapped in opt …. This requires planning ahead! When you design an interface, instead of writing:

service: {
  get_member_status (member_id : nat) -> (variant {active; expired});

It is better to use this:

service: {
  get_member_status (member_id : nat) -> (opt variant {active; expired});

This way, if you later need to add an honorary membership status, you can expand the list of statuses. Old clients will receive unknown fields as null.


Supertypes of a variant type are variants with additional tags, and maybe the type of some tags changed to a supertype.

Corresponding Motoko type

Variant types are represented as Motoko variant types, for example:

type Shape = {
  #dot : ();
  #circle : Float;
  #rectangle : { width : Float; height : Float };
  #_2669435721_ : Text;

Note that if the type of a tag is null, this corresponds to () in Motoko, to preserve the mapping between the respective idiomatic ways to model enumerations as variants.

Corresponding Rust type

User-defined enum with #[derive(CandidType, Deserialize)] trait.

You can use the #[serde(rename = "DifferentFieldName")] attribute to rename field names.

Corresponding JavaScript values

A record object with a single entry. For example, { dot: null }.

If the field name is a hash, we use _hash_ as the field name, for example, { _2669435721_: "test" }.

Type func (…) → (…)

Candid is designed to support higher-order use cases, where a service may receive or provide references to other services or their methods, for example, as callbacks. The func type is central to this: It indicates the function’s signature (argument and results types, annotations), and values of this type are references to functions with that signature.

The supported annotations are:

  •   query indicates that the referenced function is a query method, meaning it does not alter the state of its canister and that it can be invoked using the cheaper “query call” mechanism.

  •   oneway indicates that this function returns no response, intended for fire-and-forget scenarios.

For more information about parameter naming, see Naming arguments and results.

Type syntax

func () -> ()
func (text) -> (text)
func (dividend : nat, divisor : nat) -> (div : nat, mod : nat);
func () -> (int) query
func (func (int) -> ()) -> ()

Textual syntax

Currently, only public methods of services, which are identified by their principal, are supported:

func "w7x7r-cok77-xa".hello
func "w7x7r-cok77-xa"."☃"
func "aaaaa-aa".create_canister


The following modifications to a function type change it to a subtype as discussed in the rules for service upgrades:

  •   The result type list may be extended.

  •   The parameter type list may be shortened.

  •   The parameter type list may be extended with optional arguments (type opt …).

  •   Existing parameter types may be changed to a **supertype** ! In other words, the function type is **contravariant** in the argument type.

  •   Existing result types may be changed to a subtype.


The following modifications to a function type change it to a supertype:

  •   The result type list may be shortened.

  •   The result type list may be extended with optional arguments (type opt …).

  •   The parameter type list may be extended.

  •   Existing parameter types may be changed to a subtype ! In other words, the function type is **contravariant** in the argument type.

  •   Existing result types may be changed to a supertype.

Corresponding Motoko type

Candid function types correspond to shared Motoko functions, with the result type wrapped in async (unless they are annotated with oneway, then the result type is simply ()). Arguments resp. results become tuples, unless there is exactly one, in which case it is used directly:

type F0 = func () -> ();
type F1 = func (text) -> (text);
type F2 = func (text, bool) -> () oneway;
type F3 = func (text) -> () oneway;
type F4 = func () -> (text) query;

corresponds in Motoko to

type F0 = shared () -> async ();
type F1 = shared Text -> async Text;
type F2 = shared (Text, Bool) -> ();
type F3 = shared (text) -> ();
type F4 = shared query () -> async Text;

Corresponding Rust type

candid::IDLValue::Func(Principal, String), see IDLValue.

Corresponding JavaScript values

[Principal.fromText("aaaaa-aa"), "create_canister"]

Type service: {}

Services may want to pass around references to not just individual functions (using the func type), but references to whole services. In this case, Candid types can be used to declare the complete interface of such a service.

See Candid service descriptions for more details on the syntax of a service type.

Type syntax

service: {
  add : (nat) -> ();
  subtract : (nat) -> ();
  get : () -> (int) query;
  subscribe : (func (int) -> ()) -> ();

Textual syntax

service: "w7x7r-cok77-xa"
service: "zwigo-aiaaa-aaaaa-qaa3a-cai"
service: "aaaaa-aa"


The subtypes of a service type are those service types that possibly have additional methods and where the type of an existing method is changed to a subtype.

This is exactly the same principle as discussed for upgrade rules in service upgrades.


The supertypes of a service type are those service types that may have some methods removed, and the type of existing methods is changed to a supertype.

Corresponding Motoko type

Service types in Candid correspond directly to actor types in Motoko:

actor {
  add : shared Nat -> async ()
  subtract : shared Nat -> async ();
  get : shared query () -> async Int;
  subscribe : shared (shared Int -> async ()) -> async ();

Corresponding Rust type

candid::IDLValue::Service(Principal), see IDLValue.

Corresponding JavaScript values


Type principal

The Internet Computer uses principals as the common scheme to identify canisters, users, and other entities.

Type syntax


Textual syntax

principal "w7x7r-cok77-xa"
principal "zwigo-aiaaa-aaaaa-qaa3a-cai"
principal "aaaaa-aa"

Corresponding Motoko type


Corresponding Rust type

candid::Principal or ic_types::Principal

Corresponding JavaScript values


Type reserved

The reserved type is a type with one (uninformative) value, reserved, and is the supertype of all other types.

The reserved type can be used to remove method arguments. Consider a method with the following signature:

service: {
  foo : (first_name : text, middle_name : text, last_name : text) -> ()

and assume you no longer care about the middle_name. Although Candid will not prevent you from changing the signature to this:

service: {
  foo : (first_name : text, last_name : text) -> ()

It would be disastrous: If a client talks to you using the old interface, you will silently ignore the last_name and take the middle_name as the last_name. Remember that method parameter names are just convention, and method arguments are identified by their position.

Instead, you can use:

service: {
  foo : (first_name : text, middle_name : reserved, last_name : text) -> ()

to indicate that foo used to take a second argument, but you no longer care about that.

You can avoid this pitfall by adopting the pattern that any function that is anticipated to have changing arguments, or whose arguments can only be distinguished by position, not type, is declared to take a single record. For example:

service: {
  foo : (record { first_name : text; middle_name : text; last_name : text}) -> ()

Now, changing the signature to this:

service: {
  foo : (record { first_name : text; last_name : text}) -> ()

does the right thing, and you don’t even need to keep a record of the removed argument around.

In general, it is not recommended to remove arguments from methods. Usually, it is preferable to introduce a new method that omits the argument.

Type syntax


Textual syntax



All types

Corresponding Motoko type


Corresponding Rust type


Corresponding JavaScript values

Any value

Type empty

The empty type is the type without values and is the subtype of any other type.

Practical use cases for the empty type are relatively rare. It could be used to mark a method as “never returns successfully.” For example:

service: {
  always_fails () -> (empty)

Type syntax


Textual syntax

None, as this type has no values


All types

Corresponding Motoko type


Corresponding Rust type


Corresponding JavaScript values

None, as this type has no values.